1 February 2012

The Gallery - Me right now

This theme this week on The Gallery is Me Right Now.

Mya has decided that whenever I am on the computer that she must be sat on my lap.
She thinks it is a hilarious game pressing buttons and watching my reaction when pages disappear and the screen turns sideways.
Today is no exception and even now typing this I am pushing away chubby little moo hands!

No Mya, NO!

kjj.jjbvvvvvvvvvvvvk.jjk  hk.jio99999999999hjhjjjjjj o'''''hujcgcghb  hhjgWGD,MJVHJVKKK

She says hello


  1. Wow that is a very lovely photo for a 'me right now' photo! Brilliant!

  2. Thanks! I look better in black and white! haha :D

  3. Ah yes, my wee girl has started to have the same interest, dangerous when you're working from home I can tell you!

  4. even now and mine are somewhat older than yours it is rare that i get too long on the computer without one of them on my shoulder or lap clickign and moving things on my screen! this is a beautiful photo the expressions are priceless!

  5. She is obviously taking it all in for the future

    (Commenting via Sticky Fingers Photo Gallery link up)

  6. Bless, that is such a lovely picture!

    Herding Cats

